
Every Friday program “Jom Bersenam Bersama Kami”

Published : 11 October 2023

IPPT, BERTAM, October 11 2023 -

Diversity in exercise is crucial for optimizing physical fitness and health outcomes. It is grounded in the principle of the "overload principle," which states that to make improvements in physical fitness, the body must be exposed to different stimuli and challenges. Diverse exercise regimens engage various muscle groups, energy systems, and movement patterns, leading to improved muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and neuromuscular coordination. This variety also helps mitigate the risk of overuse injuries and prevents adaptation plateaus. Moreover, diverse exercise routines can impact gene expression, hormone regulation, and metabolic pathways, contributing to overall health and well-being. The scientific basis for the benefits of exercise diversity underscores the importance of incorporating a range of physical activities into one's fitness routine for optimal physiological adaptations and health outcomes.

Therefore, we came up with this 8-week program of “Jom Bersenam Bersama Kami” to give exposure to the new perspective of exercise diversity. Throughout this fun-filled program, a variety of exercises we conducted including aerobic exercise, mat exercise, TheraBand exercise, and gym ball exercise. At the end of the session, posture exercises and ergonomic education were given to the participants. These exercises provide many benefits to participants who join this 8-week program.


Aerobic dance exercises offer a range of physiological and psychological benefits. Engaging in these activities increases cardiovascular fitness, aiding in heart health and weight management. Regular participation improves muscle tone, coordination, and balance while enhancing bone density and reducing stress through the release of endorphins. Dance also fosters social interaction, cognitive functions, flexibility, and body awareness. Its enjoyable nature promotes motivation and self-confidence, making it an effective and holistic approach to fitness and well-being.


Mat exercises offer several physiological and psychological benefits. They enhance core strength by engaging abdominal and back muscles, improve flexibility through stretching routines, and enhance balance and stability by engaging stabilizing muscles. These low-impact exercises are suitable for various fitness levels, promoting overall body awareness and proper alignment. Additionally, they contribute to muscle toning, weight management, and injury prevention, making them a versatile and convenient fitness option. Mat exercises may also have mental benefits, such as reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting relaxation, particularly when incorporating mindfulness practices like yoga or Pilates.


Resistance band exercises offer numerous physiological benefits. They provide resistance throughout the full range of motion, effectively targeting various muscle groups, thereby promoting strength and muscle development. These exercises also improve joint stability and flexibility, helping prevent injuries and enhancing overall mobility. Resistance bands can be used to isolate specific muscles or engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making them versatile for both rehabilitation and strength training. Additionally, they are portable and easy to use, allowing for convenient workouts in various settings. Incorporating resistance bands into a fitness routine can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a low-impact and adaptable form of resistance training.


Exercising with a gym ball, also known as a stability ball or Swiss ball, offers several physiological benefits. It engages the core muscles and stabilizers while performing exercises, which can enhance core strength and stability. These exercises improve balance, posture, and proprioception, the body's awareness of its position in space. Additionally, gym ball exercises can aid in flexibility and muscle tone by targeting various muscle groups. The instability of the ball requires constant adjustments in muscle recruitment, promoting a well-rounded workout. Furthermore, they can be used for rehabilitation purposes and are particularly valuable for improving lower back health. Incorporating gym ball exercises into a fitness routine can contribute to overall physical fitness and well-being.



Postural exercises, often focused on improving alignment and body posture, provide significant physiological benefits. These exercises help to strengthen muscles that support the spine and promote proper alignment of the skeletal structure. They can reduce muscle imbalances and alleviate tension in overused muscles, ultimately leading to improved posture. By addressing postural issues, these exercises can alleviate or prevent conditions such as neck and back pain, as well as reduce the risk of injuries related to poor posture. Improved posture can also enhance lung capacity, digestion, and overall comfort in daily activities, contributing to overall well-being and quality of life.


In conclusion, the "Jom Bersenam Bersama Kami" 8-week program has demonstrated the immense value of exercise diversity in promoting physical fitness and overall health. By incorporating a wide range of exercises, including aerobic dance, mat exercises, TheraBand resistance training, gym ball workouts, and postural exercises, participants have reaped numerous physiological and psychological benefits. These exercises have improved cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, balance, stability, and posture. Moreover, they have reduced the risk of overuse injuries, alleviated stress, enhanced cognitive functions, and fostered a sense of well-being. The program's success underscores the scientific foundation supporting the importance of exercise diversity in achieving holistic health and fitness goals. By continuing to embrace a variety of physical activities, individuals can look forward to sustained well-being and a higher quality of life.


Narrated by students of Clinical Exercise Science; Mirrah Bai A/P Muniandy & Teng Li Teen
Supervisor : Dr Hazwani Ahmad Yusof

SDG 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
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