
The molecular mechanisms of probiotic strains in improving ageing bone and muscle of d-galactose-induced ageing rats

Published : 05 July 2021

Dr. Ooi Cheong Hwa
Authors : Y.-Y. Hor, C.-H. Ooi, L.-C. Lew, M.H. Jaafar, A.S.-Y. Lau, B.-K. Lee, A. Azlan, S.-B. Choi, G. Azzam, M.-T. Liong
Title of Publication : The molecular mechanisms of probiotic strains in improving ageing bone and muscle of d-galactose-induced ageing rats
Journal Name : Journal of Applied Microbiology
Quartile : Q2
Impact Factor : 3.772
Description : The aim of this study was to evaluate the molecular mechanisms of Lactobacillus strains in improving ageing of the musculoskeletal system. The study demonstrated the protective effects of the bacteria on muscle and bone through antioxidative and anti-inflammatory actions. Therefore, L. fermentum DR9 may serve as a promising targeted anti-ageing therapy.
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