
Green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles using pectin as a reducing agent: a systematic review of the biological activities

Published : 03 June 2021

Dr. Lim Vuanghao
Authors : Kogilavanee Devasvaran & Vuanghao Lim
Title of Publication : Green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles using pectin as a reducing agent: a systematic review of the biological activities
Journal Name : Pharmaceutical Biology
Quartile : Q1
Impact Factor : 3.503
Description  : This systematic review demonstrates the current state of the art of Pe-MNPs biological activities, suggesting that Ag and Au have potent antibacterial and anticancer/chemotherapeutic drug carrier activity, respectively. Further in vitro, in vivo, and clinical research is crucial for a better understanding of the pharmacological potential of pectin synthesised MNPs.
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